Are you looking for the cheat codes of Pokemon Emerald Imperium, or do you have the codes but aren’t sure how to use them? If so, this post is for you! We’ll share all the available cheat codes for Pokemon Emerald Imperium and guide you on how to use them. Let’s get started!
Pokemon Emerald Imperium How to use Cheat Codes
Before we share the cheat codes, let’s first guide you on how to use them in your game.
Cheats in Pokemon Emerald Imperium are built into the game and can only be used with the GameCube.
What is the GameCube?
The GameCube is a device within the game that allows you to enter and activate cheat codes.
Where to find it?
You can find the GameCube in your house or in your rival’s house. For clarity, check the image below showing where the GameCube is located.

Simply approach the GameCube and press the A button to activate it, then enter your desired cheat codes.
Pokemon Emerald Imperium Cheat Codes
Here are the available cheat codes released in each version of the game. It’s important to use the correct version for the codes to work, as cheats from newer versions will not work in older versions.
Also, remember to enter the cheat codes exactly as shown in the GameCube. Pay attention to the case—uppercase letters must be uppercase, and lowercase must be lowercase.
Some cheats can be toggled on and off by running the code twice: the first time to activate it and the second time to deactivate it.
Now, let’s go through the available cheat codes:
Cheat Codes Released in version 1.0
The bold text below are the cheat codes you need to enter into the GameCube, followed by the explanations for each code.
- DexAll – makes it so you can see all mons in the DexNav, even if you havent caught them
- CaughtAll – marks all mons as caught in the Pokedex
- EZCatch – makes catch rate guaranteed 100%
- Mega – gives all mega stones
Cheat Codes Released in Version 1.1
The bold text below are the cheat codes you need to enter into the GameCube, followed by the explanations for each code.
- ShinyS – guarantees shiny starters, applies to randomizer as well
As of now, there are only 5 cheat codes available. We’ll update the list in the future if the creator releases more codes. Until then, thanks for reading this article, and we hope you have an awesome gameplay experience!