Pokemon Fire Red Extreme is a GBA Rom Hack made by ChocolateF9. This ROM hack features custom Pokemon, story, and gameplay with enhanced difficulty and unique content.
Pokemon Fire Red Extreme GBA ROM Hack
- Author: ChocolateF9
- Hack Off: FireRed
- Language: English
- Latest Version: Patch 3.5
- Last Updated on: December 14, 2024
What is this ROM hack?
This ROM hack is inspired by a PokeTuber called TyranitarTube and his EXTREME randomiser series, but it doesn’t include the randomiser part because I’m not sure how to do that.
If you’re not familiar with the EXTREME randomiser series, it’s a type of Pokemon game where everything is randomized and there’s a new story with special or custom features. The EXTREME series is known for being difficult, mainly because of strong enemy teams. FireRed EXTREME is a fangame based on this series. It keeps the key features of the EXTREME series but has a different story than the original FireRed. While the stories of FireRed EXTREME and the EXTREME series are connected, they aren’t considered part of the same official storyline.
This ROM hack is still in the early stages, but I have big plans for it. The game will have a custom story, new sprites, characters, items, maps, and Pokemon. Right now, there are about 20 custom Pokemon, and there will likely be more as development continues. Almost everything in the game has been edited, including dialogue, wild encounters, player sprites, and starter Pokemon. Some custom music has been added as well (credits below). The custom Pokemon are mostly reskins of existing sprites, with improved stats, abilities, and moves. There are 9 custom Pokemon you can get in the game, including their evolutions, and they are all stronger than regular Pokemon.
The story was developed quickly, but I think it’s turned out okay. Here’s a spoiler warning—don’t read ahead if you want to avoid spoilers! After Ho-oh revived the three legendary beasts, some of its power spread around the Bell Tower. This caused nearby dead Pokemon to come back to life temporarily. These revived Pokemon are called ‘Sacred Pokemon’. Scientists captured three of them for experiments. While they managed to help these Sacred Pokemon, they also tried using the power on other dead Pokemon, which didn’t work out well. These failed experiments became very aggressive and were in constant pain. The three Sacred Pokemon managed to escape while the failed experiments attacked. That’s all for now—since the game is still early in development, there’s not much more story planned. There are also Pokemon called ‘Mutated Pokemon,’ which are somewhat like X-Men but in Pokemon form.
- Pokemon from Generations 1 to 8
- New starter Pokemon
- A completely new story
- Custom sprites and characters
- New items and maps
- About 20 custom Pokemon, with 9 available to catch
- Updated dialogue and wild Pokemon encounters
- Changed player sprites
- Custom music (with credits)
- New Pokemon forms with improved stats, abilities, and moves
Change Log
Patch 3.5
- Added Christmas Patch
- Fixed trainer battle music not working properly
- Changed evolution method for the starters
- Made it more obvious on how to use the Cure for Cancer
- Nerfed Brock and Misty (their original difficulty will return postfull hack release)
- Fixed Nuggies Lord to be a normal trainer
- Redesigned base form sprites of Mutated
- Walrein and Flygon
- Redesigned shiny form sprites of Mutated Sealeo, Walrein, Vibrava and Flygon
- The Rooms is less confusing and gives a better reward
- Added 2 custom Pokemon (1 is only obtainable at the moment)
- Buffs to several Pokemon (buff list is below)
Patch 3
- Added custom content (up to post Vermilion Gym)
- Added 10 custom Pokemon (6 can be obtainable asof now)
- Added new title screen
- Added original characters (and sprites)
- Removed custom moves
- Added custom scripts for custom events
- Nugget Bridge Trainer fixed to give you only if you defeat it (essentially fixing the infinite nugget thing)
- Added custom music (not really if they want credits I will give credits)
- Fixed music that appear at the wrong time (actually idk if I fixed all of them yet)
- Slightly changed that one sprite of that one custom Pokemon and you’ll never know which one it is
- Nerfed Brock and Misty

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