Check out this post, “Pokemon Run & Bun FAQ,” to find answers to common questions.
Pokemon Run & Bun Information
- Creator: dekzeh
- Base ROM: Emerald
- Language: English
- Latest Version: v1.07
- Last Updated on: April 24, 2024
- Status: Completed
Pokemon Run & Bun FAQ
Q: Why is it called Run & Bun?
A: The game was named after my good friend Runanbun. I was tired of the classic edgy adjective + color naming scheme for Pokémon hacks and took a page from the SMW community, where they sometimes name hacks after friends. Also, it’s kinda funny.
Q: Can you change IV’s and nature?
A: You can, but at the cost of Heart Scales, maxing out one IV costs one Heart Scale and changing a nature costs three. There’s a general utility NPC in every PokéCenter that allows you to do that, amongst other things.
Q: Where do you farm/find heart scales?
A: You cannot farm Heart Scales, they are finite resource that the player needs to manage through the game. You can check the Item Locations document in our Google Drive folder for information on where to find all available Heart Scales in the game.
Q: Can I get hidden abilities?
A: The only HA’s you can get naturally through the game are on your starters. See the online Dex for a list of all Mons’ natural abilities. Ability capsules are not available in the game unless hacked in.
Q: Can I use cheat codes to get infinite Heart Scales, Master Balls, Rare Candies, etc?
A: Sure, play the game however you enjoy it, be aware that as always using codes may cause glitches, so be careful and save often. These codes allow you to buy the items from any PokeMart:
820051B4 0004 Masterball
820051B4 0066 Rare Candy
820051B4 004F Ability Cap
820051B4 0098 Heart Scale
Q: Where is the Old/Good/Super Rod?
A: The Super Rod is the only fishing tool in the game, given to you on Route 103.
Q: Where do you get ‘X’ item? What are the Rare Candy locations?
A: Item Locations document in our Google Drive folder.
Q: Who is the best starter?
A: No clear consensus, all three are viable.
Q: Where do I go after I get the third badge? I can’t go north and Rusturf Tunnel is now blocked off.
A: Go south through Cycling Road. Right before the end there is another path that goes north. Your rival will challenge you there, then you can go west and through a third Cycling Road exit. Continue west and you will make it back to Route 103 where you started the game. You will need the Acro Bike to cross the thin white beams over the water. Press B and up/down at the same time to hop. Then you can go to Petalburg and challenge Norman for the fourth badge.
Q: Can I get all of the fossil Pokémon?
A: Yes, all fossils are available in the Desert Underpass in the back of Fossil Maniac’s house, west of Fallarbor. To gain access, you will need to take the fossil at the top of Mirage Tower in the desert area on Route 111 and revive it. The tower disappears and reappears randomly when you load the map, note that Mirage Tower will permanently disappear once you take the fossil. Once that fossil is revived, the Fossil Maniac will stop blocking the entrance to Desert Underpass and you will have access to all fossils in the game.
Q: How do Safari Balls work?
A: 100% catch rate.
Q: How can I choose which Urshifu I get?
A: Kubfu evolves at level 50 to a random form Urshifu. If you reset to before you received the Kubfu, the Urshifu will be re-randomized. Resetting after acquiring Kubfu but before evolving to Urshifu will not re-randomize.
Q: Is mega evolution in the game?
A: Yes, it is. You will start facing mega-evolved Pokémon as early as the third Gym, and you can unlock mega-evolution by obtaining the Mega Ring after the 5th Gym.
Q: Why doesn’t ‘X’ mon have a mega evolution?
A: For balancing purposes some of the more powerful Mega Stones are not available to the game. You can find a list of all available Mega Stones and where to find them in the Item Locations document in our Google Drive folder.
Q: Where can you encounter ‘X’ pokemon?
A: We also have a Pokémon Location document in our Google Drive folder.
Q: How do I use the .lua script?
A: You will need to use mGBA version 0.10.0 or higher. Download runandbun.lua in the Google Drive folder, then on mGBA select Tools->Scripting then File->Open and open the downloaded file with your game running. The .lua script is not mandatory by any means, all it does is allow you to export your Pokémon into our custom Pokémon Showdown Calculator.
Q: What gen does this go up to?
A: Pokémon from generations 1 through 8 are available in the game, and mechanics are based off Generation 8, with a few tweaks. We have a Mechanic Changes document in the Google Drive folder listing any different mechanic.
Q: What are the level caps?
Route 104 Aqua Grunt lvl 12
Museum Aqua Grunts lvl 17
Leader Brawly lvl 21
Leader Roxanne lvl 25
Route 117 Chelle lvl 32
Leader Wattson lvl 35
Cycling Road Rival lvl 38
Leader Norman lvl 42
Fallarbor Town Vito lvl 48
Mt. Chimney Maxie lvl 54
Leader Flannery lvl 57
Weather Institute Shelly lvl 65
Route 119 Rival lvl 66
Leader Winona lvl 69
Lilycove City Rival lvl 73
Mt. Pyre Archie lvl 76
Magma Hideout Maxie lvl 79
Aqua Hideout Matt lvl 81
Leaders Tate & Liza lvl 85
Seafloor Cavern Archie lvl 89
Leader Juan lvl 91
Victory Road Vito lvl 95
Champion Wallace lvl 99
Q: Is the game designed for Nuzlockes or can I do a casual playthrough aswell?
A: The game is made for anyone to play however they want and enjoy. I enjoy nuzlockes and I made some design decisions with that in mind, however, this is not the only way to play the game, or even an encouraged way to do so. Some of what I think are the coolest things in the game have no interaction with Nuzlocking or any challenges, I tried my best to create a game that would be fun to anyone who enjoys the battling aspect of Pokémon.
Q: I got my item Knocked Off, and it disappeared from my inventory. Is it gone forever?
A: Yes, it is. Knocked Off or Tricked items are gone or swapped forever. Sorry that you lost something, but now you know (or you could have known before it happened, by reading our documentation).
Q: How does the Elite 4 work?
A: Each member has two different teams, one for Singles and one for Doubles. The player gets to pick how they prefer to fight each member, but they need to fight exactly 2 Single and 2 Double battles.