Pokemon Emerald Legacy is a Completed GBA Rom Hack made by TheSmithPlays. Explore a revamped version of Emerald with tons of QoL improvements, battle tweaks, Pokemon changes, and a complete game overhaul.
Pokemon Emerald Legacy Completed GBA Rom Hack
- Author: TheSmithPlays
- Hack Off: Emerald
- Language: English
- Released on: December 12, 2024
- Latest Version: v1.1.0
- Last Updated: February 12, 2025
- Status: Completed
Pokemon Emerald Legacy is meant to serve as a finale to the trio of planned projects in the Legacy Trilogy. It is made using the Pokemon Emerald Disassembly made by the Pret team. This game is focused on refining a game that is considered a classic by many people into a nostalgic but improved experience with 20+ years of hindsight. Emerald is a great game with a ton of flaws when you use that experience to really look at it under a lens. Terrible pokemon pool, Weird team building choices, A great story idea executed poorly, baffling rival decisions, and one of the worst E4s. This game with all of these problems manages to shrug them off with memorable dex additions, fantastic gym leader ace choices, abilities, no more stat xp, Battle frontier, original ideas to the series, and overall a solid game. The Legacy Project aims to take what is good in a game and improve it while bringing its flaws up to that same level.
Keeping that nostalgic feeling is a key part of the project and thus requires us to temper our changes into things that improve the experience but don’t take you out of that original generation 3 mindset. Things like the Physical/Special Split, adding moves, adding new evolutions, or adding the fairy typing are not things you will find in this game. Instead look for improvements to the Rival storyline, Team Magma & Aqua storyline, Tons of pokemon balancing using the tools given to us in this generation, a robust post game, improved boss fights throughout the game, adjusted level curve, and so much more. We are not trying to create a new game, nor are we trying to create a “Kaizo” game that is insanely difficult. We wanted to create a modern but nostalgic version of Pokemon Emerald. So please enjoy Pokemon Emerald Legacy.
Quality of Life Changes
- Pokedex upgrade
- Can now remove hm moves
- Fast save
- Fast heal (first use gives full text)
- Fast surf
- Can now sprint indoors
- Optional fast travel after meteor falls, after flannery, and after getting surf
- Post game bike upgrade by speaking to Rydel
- Can switch between Mach and Acro bikes using R
- The Acro mode can jump up ordinary ledges while bunny-hopping
- Repeated Field Medicine Use without screen auto-closing
- Bag expansion
- Bag sorting
- Items automatically go to PC if Bag is full
- Made Key Items That Cannot Be Used In The Field Not Show A Use or Register Option
- Improved the Pace of Battles (can press A or B to advance text faster in battle like normal text and shortened delay between faint cry and faint)
- Pressing start on the clock screen lets you change the time
- Match Call Pokénav tutorial is now skippable
- Route 111 rocks stay gone once smashed
- Route 116 cut trees stay gone once cut
- Faster text
- Show IVs and EVs in Summary Screen (Press A to cycle)
- Coloured stats by nature in summary screen
- Like modern games, Red is raised and Blue is lowered
- 5th Trainer Card Star for completing the national dex
- Everstone upgraded to have higher chance to keep similar natures going to Eggs
- Free move tutors become infinitely reusable in the post game
- Removed match calls, they just show up in your pokenav now
- Some characters, like Gym Leaders, may still call you
- Removed the “trainer registered in the pokenav” text for non gym leaders
- Made the gender of the person biking across the screen in the intro match the gender on the save file
- Added a Wrong Save Type Error Screen
- Added legacy text to the hall of fame screen
- Fishing can’t have multiple rounds of dots
Battle/Pokemon Changes
- Magma armor now also reduces water damage, and is exclusive to magcargo. Camerupt gets flame body instead.
- Illuminate now prevents accuracy drops and ignores enemy evasion
- Now says new legendaries that can’t fly ran away instead of flew away
- Added new hoenn mons to the hoenn dex.
- They should show up at the end and only once caught or seen
- They are required to get the johto starter/hoenn dex completion stuff
- Removed trade evos
- Alakazam and Gengar evolve from Kadabra and Haunter at level 42, and not by trade
- Golem and Machamp evolve from Graveler and Machoke at level 38, and not by trade
- Slowking, Steelix, Politoed, Kingdra, Scizor, Porygon2, Hauntail and Gorebyss evolve like stone evolutions using their respective trade item without trade
- Pinch berries heal 1/4 instead of 1/8th
- 50% defense boost for ice types in hail + Blizzard 100% accuracy in hail
- 50% special defense boost for rock types in sandstorm
- Physical dark and special ghost
- Houndoom’s battle sprite has been adjusted (sprite by zuperZACH)
- Regirock, Regice, and Registeel now have new overworld sprites (created by zuperZACH)
Ai Changes
- Modified AI flags for major trainers
- Improved AI switching logic
- Fixed will o wisp AI script
- Fixed AI not recording traced abilities in battle history
- Fixed ‘prefer baton pass’ AI script
- Fixed AI spamming protect
- Fixed AI spamming recover moves
Items Changes
- Added the brick piece and Hitmontop’s Crystal Legacy evolution method
- Brick Piece sprite by Isona
- Cheap repels
- The items acquired with the Pickup ability have been updated
- Fishing NPC in Pacifidlog will give you an Old Rod and/or Pokéballs if you have no rod or no balls to prevent Pacifidlog soft lock
- Added more shards so that you can easily get enough evolution stones
- Sun stone added to meteor falls
- Metal coat added to frontier held items shop
- Petalburg max revive changed to a water stone
- Added a Sun/Moon stone mart in post game space center
- Stern gives you the other deep sea item post game
- Several Berry availability and usage updates
- Berry Shops
- Flower shop berry store – Oran, Pecha, Cheri, Rawst, Aspear, Leppa, Persim, Chesto
- Flower shop berry store post Norman – Same as before + Sitrus and Lum
- Berry master sells berries post game – Figy, Wiki, Mago, Aguav, Iapapa, Razz, Bluk, Nanab, Wepear, Pinap, Cornn, Magost, Rabuta, Nomel
- Battle Frontier Berry Shop – Leichi, Ganlon, Salac, Petaya, Apricot, Pomeg, Kelpsy, Qualot, Hondew, Grepa, Tamato
- Berry Shops
- Mirage island berry tree now gives the Enigma Berry
- Switched “Use” and “Check Tag” on the berry menu
- Less Annoying Berry harvesting and planting
- Originally it took lots of A button spam to plant each berry, so message prompts have been reduced
- Berry trees don’t disappear after 10 uses
- Originally if you leave a berry growing past its last stage, it regrows, but after 10 uses it stops growing and vanishes. This cap is removed.
- Route 120 berry girl gives you a random berry each day rather than basing it off trainer ID
- Expanded Kiri’s 2nd berry pool
- Previously she only gave two of the five pinch-healing berries. She can now gift all of them.
- Berry smoothness and other changes for easier Pokéblocks
- See contest changes
Bug Fixes
- Fixed dual type non immunity bug
- Fixed AI checking users type instead of opponents for foresight
- Fixed AI checking type-resistance to weather chip
- Fixed AI checking opponent for status effects instead of user for facade damage calc
- Fixed AI calc potential damage overflow
- Fixed contest AI only encouraging move if audience is close to full excitement on the first appeal (which is impossible)
- Fixed contest AI reading move effects incorrectly
- Fixed contest AI encouraging move if a prev mon has not begun a combo
- Fixed battle dome opponent cheating on score
- Fixed dodrio picking being able to start before all players are ready
- Fixed dodrio picking memory leak
- Fixed egg crack animation
- Fixed “object event pal none” potential infinite loop
- Fixed bug with movement ground effects being able to happen when the camera alone moves
- Fixed bug where player appears over the grass when stepping onto the grass from surfing
- Fixed fortree bridges not being lowered when stepping on from anything that isn’t another bridge
- Fixed bug with cut collision check
- Fixed frontier pass color overflow
- Fixed frontier pass playing the sound an extra time
- Fixed bug where for one frame, the item you scroll to in the Bag menu will have an incorrect palette and may be seen as a flicker.
- Fixed sprites not doing the shrink animation if they have an affine animation
- Fixed fishing encounters using the land encounter table count and potentially overflowing
- Fixed poke ball catch/release animations breaking with a screen transition
- Fixed bug where nature calcs break the game if a stat goes above 595 (shuckle can do it with defense and sp defense)
- Fixed route 129 displaying route 125 when diving if marine cave is there
- Fixed roamer’s status field is u8, but SetMonData expects status to be u32
- Fixed roulette animation not being terminated properly
- Fixed RTC status reset and switch to 24 hour mode function bug
- Fixed bug using gPlayerCurrActivity instead of sPlayerActivityGroupSize in the union room
New or Changed Trainers/Events
- Steven is the Champion
- Wallace is the Sootopolis Gym Leader
- Brawly level scaling badge 2-4 (very difficult to do out of order in hard mode)
- Added new trainers around dewford for extra experience gain
- 2 hikers in granite cave
- 1 fisher in dewford town
- 1 blackbelt in dewford gym (won’t light up the gym any more)
- Courtney exists
- Aqua and Magma Admins now have custom overworld sprites (created by zuperZACH)
- Wally VR music
- Rustbro rival fight always shows up in the boat hut if you skip the fight, rather than if you don’t speak to them at all
- Rayquaza can’t be brought into the first E4 on hard or hardcore mode, but can in normal mode
- Added dev battles (but you’ll have to find them yourself)
- Zinnia fight and custom music
- Appears at the bottom of the sky pillar only in the post game. If you don’t catch rayquaza in the main game, she will be blocking it, but if you catch it in the main game, you can go back to fight her post game.
New gym leader rematch system
- First rematch becomes available throughout the main game
- Second rematch becomes available once you are champion
- Automatically goes to this rematch on beating Steven whether you have fought first rematch or not
- Norman calls for his rematch after Sootopolis.
- Third rematch becomes available once you beat the battle frontier
- Fourth rematch becomes available once you beat all third rematches
- Rematches become available without having to enter a battle to trigger them
- Leader rematch prizes (1st postgame rematch / 3rd total fight)
Pokemon Changes
The core of the Legacy games’ updates has always been the Pokemon themselves. Our aim is to find each Pokemon’s role, whether existing or implied, and give it changes to better fit that role so the player has the most interesting options as possible for their team. We are not trying to make every Pokemon an S-tier monster; that presents the same issue that the base games fall into, where every Pokemon is vying for the same roles and you’re locked into just picking the same things every time. If everything’s the same then nothing feels special.
Additionally, we absolutely do not change Pokemon types, as this is a slippery slope we feel quickly takes away from the “the way I remember” feeling that Legacy strives to preserve.
When balancing Pokemon, we primarily use the following changes to tune their capabilities. Note that all of this info (except evolutions) is also in the Changedex.
Learnset: The moves at a Pokemon’s disposal can make or break their role in a team. We start here first, because often just gaining access to a few more options can redeem something.
Stats: If an updated learnset can’t quite cut it, we then turn to a Pokemon’s stats. Usually 20 points here or 10 there can give something just the edge it needs, but in rarer cases a heavier buff or a rebalance of stats entirely is necessary.
Evolution: Most of our Evolution changes are for QoL purposes, to make playing solo easier. However, sometimes we’ll also change an evolution level just to make a Pokemon better fit the game’s difficulty curve with its power spikes.
Location: Much like real estate, location is everything. A mid-power Pokemon in Victory Road is a sorry addition to your team, but if it was available to help you before the second gym it can really shine. Many Pokemon have had their availability adjusted so they appear at a more suitable time in the game to stand out against the crowd.
Abilities: Gen 3 offers a new and powerful wrinkle in Pokemon design that gives us one more method to power up a Pokemon. We tried to be reserved in our approach to changing Abilities, but we did give the following Pokemon some new options.
Boss Battles and Game Plot
We feel that the story of Emerald is an overall solid recontextualization of Ruby and Sapphire, themselves full of novel ideas, but many elements are mishandled. Generation 3 sought to differentiate itself from previous entries with a surprise storyline for your rival, a pair of evil teams who share their own rivalry, and other story beats that were daring for the series at the time.
We’ve gone through each of these key story arcs and built out dialogue, added events, and even additional battles to help the existing story of Emerald shine through even more. These changes are meant to only enhance the story, not completely overhaul it; if you are looking for an all-new story for Emerald, you may leave disappointed. Still, there are enough new turns and story beats to keep the plot fresh even for veterans.
And of course, the milestones of this journey are marked by the key boss fights you’ll encounter along the way. Click below to explore these plot updates and the battles that tie them together.
Gym Leaders: Hoenn features some of the most iconic Gym Leader battles in the franchise, from Wattson’s Magneton to Norman’s Slaking, Flannery’s Torkoal, and Tate & Liza’s… whole team, honestly. We’ve aimed to preserve these legendary battles while making them even better!
Brendan and May: Your new neighbor from Littleroot goes from mentor, to friend, to fan as you progress as a trainer, but they still feature some powerful Pokemon of their own. Follow along to see the teams they’ll prepare as they collect and research the Pokemon of Hoenn.
Wally: A truly determined young rival, this sickly child who you teach to catch Pokemon has a lot of potential behind him. What new places will his journey take him? And what new chances do you have to watch his progress?
Elite Four: Emerald’s Elite Four has some soaring heights and depressingly repetitive lows. We expanded the Hoenn Pokédex just enough to add some new twists and challenges to these team members, and make them truly feel like the final boss battle Emerald deserves. Oh, and… Steven’s back.
Teams Aqua and Magma: There’s more to the oceans than Water, and much more to the land than Ground and Fire. We sprinkled in some new variety to these teams to break up the monotony of the same Pokemon from their Grunts – plus, Courtney has rejoined Team Magma, Archie learned how to double battle, and both teams’ storylines have fresh new dialogue to help bolster the soundness of their causes.
Post-game Battles
Post Game Trainers are designed to make up the hardest fights in the game, where the player can truly put their team to the test. These teams are designed by Aerogod223 & TheSmithPlays to show off so many features and quirks of the battle system of Generation 3. With Pokemon and movesets that maybe aren’t always the most powerful in a specific circumstance, each team aims to bring the unexpected and show off the niche capabilities of the system while demanding the player to bring their all.
Gym Leader Rematches: The gym leaders of Hoenn are raring for another chance to battle the new Champion. How well does your team stack up to their second rematch? Third? How about when they pull out all the stops? All those battles are covered here.
Elite Four Rematch: You’ve proven yourself the best and become the Champion – but now, a familiar challenger has arrived. Defend your title as the full might of the Elite Four is brought to bear, and prove to Wallace who the real Champion is.
Assorted Trainers: New friends, old rivals, and a familiar trio of developers await you within the caves and ruins of Hoenn. You’ll want to bring your A-game for these top-tier trainers.
And a lot more changes. Refer this DOC for Full overview of changes.
Changelog v1.1.0
- Can rematch gym leaders infinitely after the 5th rematch
- Match call trainers show up 3x as often
- Credit Aero
- Revamped all regular trainer rematch teams
- Some have extra strong teams at the final rematch
- Revamped all regular trainer rematch teams
- Show hidden power type in party menu after catching every unown form
- Triple kick buffed to match CL (only effects hitmontop in the post game)
- Added a post game incense mart in Slateport in case you sell them
- Can now buy more deep sea items after the quest in the postgame
- Can now buy more upgrades for a high price using coins from the porygon prize person
- Made the route 103 cut tree required to get to the berry a one and done cut tree
- Trainer tip signs and trainer school NPCs now tell you about the Legacy changes
- Getting secret power from the Battle Tent now lets you access the Secret Power Club shop
- Adjusted berry yields; Lum and other berries can’t return just one crop anymore
- Blend master uses better berries when you mix with berry master’s wife’s berries, instead of matching you
- Petalburg Wally fight is no longer missable
- You’ll now register Juan in the Pokenav after beating him, so you can see when the future rematches are available
- Hitmontop can evolve either with the original method or the brick piece
- Raikou encounter doesn’t roar
- Player is now healed after beating the post game Archie/Maxie fights
- Giga Drain tm can now be repurchased (in the battle frontier pokémart)
- Frontier eeveelutions now play their cries when you speak to them
- Facility Rebalances, Credit Aero
- Pyramid item list updated
- Lum and Leppa more common
- Pinch berries added
- Less useful items removed to give better chance at rarer ones
- Bigger pyramid bag, 10 > 13
- Pyramid encounters adjusted to incentivize Fluffy Tail
- Factory Rentals Item Rebalance to increase the diversity of Pokemon
- Battle palace rework
- The chance for a move to fail has been removed.
- Action percentages adjusted across the board for more consistent/predictable outcomes
- Pyramid item list updated
- Removed mew and deoxys fateful encounter checks so they will obey you in the battle factory
- Lowered frontier decoration prices
- Fixed a bug where the togepi egg would say it was obtained from the hot springs
- Fixed revives still being usable in the overworld in hardcore
- Fixed a bug where you couldn’t use hms or items on fainted pokemon hardcore, causing softlocks
- Fixed bug with maxie/archie being invisible while text playing
- Fixed bug where E4 rematch double battles would duplicate your pokemon if you only have one party member
- Fixed missing end tag on Shiftry’s learnset
- Fixed some post game encounter oversights
- Fixed Seedot and Plusle frontier trades using the original flags which overlapped with Numel and Loudred
- Fixed Brendan’s name being displayed in red on his OT entry for traded starters (“Female Brendan starters” are now rare collectables lol)
- Fixed bug where you could get frontier gold symbol reward infinitely
- Fixed Razor Wind effect text saying opponent is trapped by Sand Tomb
- Fixed trade Pokémon’s mail still referencing original trade Pokémon
- Fixed Sky Attack using Turn 1 animation, not Turn 2, for its attack
- Fixed frontier mons indexing error
- Fixed lack of overworld HM prompt for dead pokemon (HC)
- Fixed void return error in non void function, causing errors when using make modern
- Credit mxeg
- Fixed clock events breaking after changing the clock
- Fixed Petaya and Apicot berry are displayed as costing 48BP but actually cost 3BP
- Fixed after purchasing any berry, either successfully or unsuccessfully due to insufficient BP, the menu resets to held item shop instead of berry shop
- Fix msgbox not disappearing for Sootopolis gentleman
- Fix msgbox not disappearing after exiting BF berry shop
- Credit cromerc
- Fixed unix build issues
- Credit ElusiveEllie
- Fixed INSTALL.md instructions to point to correct project
- Credit Exclsior
- Fixed Tate and Liza getting stuck on 2nd rematch
- Maxie grammar fix
- Learnset oversight fixes
- Updated credits
- Text fixes

Gameplay by creator
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