Are you looking for legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Kanto complete? If yes, then read this post Pokemon Kanto Complete Legendary Locations carefully, you’ll find the location of all legendary Pokemon.
Pokemon Kanto Complete information
- Creator: PurpleSpectre
- Base ROM: FireRed
- Language: English
- Latest Version: Completed
- Released on: January 14, 2024
- Status: Completed
Pokemon Kanto Complete Legendary Locations
- Legendary birds: regular in-game encounter
- Mewtwo: regular in-game encounter
- Mew: Mew truck–SS Anne
- Legendary beasts: Navel Rock, overworld sprite encounter (West corridor ladder)
- Tower duo: regular in-game encounter (event tickets available in Vermilion City Poké Center post-game)
- Celebi: Viridian Forest shrine encounter when holding the GS Ball (gifted in Viridian City Poké Center as champion)
- Legendary giants: random wild Pokémon encounters in Kanto caves
- Regirock: Victory Road
- Registeel: Pokémon Mansion
- Regice: Seafoam Islands
- Eon duo: Navel Rock, random wild Pokémon encounter (East corridor ladder)
- Super-ancient Pokémon:
- Kyogre: Trainer Tower sea cave encounter
- Groudon: MT Silver interior chamber encounter
- Rayquaza: Sky Pillar via Route 21 (after Sevii Islands story arc)
- Jirachi: Dark Grove, hiding in a small tree
- Deoxys: regular in-game encounter