Pokemon Tourmaline is a GBA Rom Hack made by tdilos. Discover a new region with unique Fakemons, a fresh storyline, new characters, 2 new types, 60 new moves, and 20 new abilities.
Pokemon Tourmaline GBA Rom Hack
- Author: tdilos
- Hack Off: Emerald
- Language: English
- Latest Version: v0.1.2
- Last Updated: July 29, 2024
Pokemon Tourmaline is a GBA ROM Hack of and loose sequel to Pokemon Emerald. This game is intended to take place in an alternate timeline where the setting and events have diverged a bit from the official games. Most notably, some mechanics from later gens are absent while others have been reworked, and a number of new mechanics have been introduced.
It’s been several years since the battle of Groudon and Kyogre wrought havoc on the Hoenn region. Humanity’s understanding of Pokemon has deepened as more discoveries are made about the origins of Pokemon. A recent surge of discoveries in the nearby Issho region has drawn researchers from all over the world, including May, now an assistant Pokemon professor. After receiving a Pokemon from her, the player sets out to investigate the reports coming from all over the Issho region of new species of Pokemon, new types of Pokemon, and even more strange phenomena. Meanwhile, a new threat is on the rise in Issho, a mysterious crime syndicate who use exceptionally powerful Pokemon.
- Original story, characters, and region
- Return of many old characters
- A custom regional Pokedex with 386 Pokemon
- New regional forms of Pokemon from gens 5-8
- There is no Mega Evolution, but some Megas have returned as natural evolutions
- A small number of additional fakemon, including some SpaceWorld designs
- Updated type chart including Fairy type and a new type, Echo, designed to counter Fairies and Ghosts
- 4 new status conditions
- 2 new weather types
- Over 60 new moves and over 20 new abilities
- Buffs to some old Pokemon, moves, and abilities
- Other aspects of the battle system have been updated to gen 8 standards unless otherwise noted
- A custom set of over 100 TMs and HMs
- A large number of other moves available through move tutors
- Return of old features like the day/night cycle, headbutt trees, and daily events
- Various changes to the UI to create a unique experience
- Minor QoL features including faster text, Repel prompts, increased bag size, and menu looping
Change Log
- Echo type now resists Flying instead of Steel. The type quiz in Xanthos Library has been updated too.
- Fixed difficulty modes not working properly. They should now work as described in the README.
- Fixed level caps not working properly. Pokemon at or above the level cap no longer gain EXP.
- Fixed issues with EXP not being distributed correctly between two or more Pokemon.
- Fixed glitch causing the player to sometimes respawn in the wrong city after whiting out.
- Added PC script to the player’s bedroom.
- First TV swarm is now randomized, previously it was always Gulpin.
- Hazel now gives the player an Exp Share instead of an Itemfinder.
- Increased wild Pokemon levels around Cobalt City.
- The gift Eevee now has its hidden ability.
- Added unique badge icons to the player’s trainer card.
- Fixed Jace/May overworld glitches.
- Fixed glitch causing the player to battle themselves in Cinerous Town
- Fixed nighttime palette glitches in Cobalt City.
- Fixed minor glitch in the May event in Cobalt City.
- Fixed the Strength puzzles in the temples, they were previously unsolvable.
- Fixed minor graphics glitch in Resound’s final turn animation.
- Fixed various typos/grammar.
- Miscellaneous fixes to overworld tile errors.
- Minor updates to trainer AI and movesets.
Known Issues
- EMULATOR SPEEDUP: This has a tendency to glitch the game in unpredictable ways. Use it sparingly and save often if you do.
- DOUBLE BATTLE GLITCH: After fighting a double battle trainer (e.g. Twins), during wild battles, the player will send out two Pokemon as if it were a double battle. These battles otherwise seem to behave normally. The player can even catch the wild Pokemon without issue. Fighting a single battle trainer fixes this issue. This glitch does NOT happen after fighting a double battle against two separate trainers.
- POKEDEX GLITCH: The pokedex pages for new regional forms don’t show the correct sprites. The player will see the base form instead.
- STATUS BAR GLITCH: Enemy status bars sometimes show the wrong color for status conditions. For example, the BRN symbol may be black instead of the correct red color. This is a minor graphics glitch that I haven’t found a fix for yet. It doesn’t affect anything else and it often fixes itself, so just ignore it.
- CINEROUS TOWN GLITCH: The gate at the top of the map sometimes pulls from the wrong tileset. Entering and exiting a building fixes it for now.
- DOORS: Some doors change color when you enter them. I’ll add proper door animations for them at some point in the future.
- WINDOWS AT NIGHT: Sometimes these will be strange colors instead of the correct yellow shade. Entering and exiting a building fixes this for now.
- MUSIC: This is something I still have a lot to learn about. Some gen 4 songs are used but don’t have enough sound channels, meaning only part of the song is heard. All of them should still be listenable.
Creator Note
I’m (Creator) looking for volunteers to help with certain aspects of the game, mainly sprites and music. PM him if you’re interested: https://www.pokecommunity.com/threads/pok%C3%A9mon-tourmaline-v0-1-1-released-06-19-2024.527425/

Also Check Out: Pokemon Emerald Rogue
- pokeemerald – DizzyEgg
- pokeemerald-expansion – rh-hideout
- Porymap – huderlem
- Gen 4 music – CyanSMP64
- DNS graphics – ShinyDragonHunter
- Bag sorting – ghoulslash
- Daily swarm engine – Skeli
- Scrolling multichoice menus – DizzyEgg
- Adding New Weather – Sonikku A
- Add Frostbite status (very helpful for setting up new statuses) – Bassoonian
- Playtesting – various anonymous players