Pokemon Bismuth is a GBA Rom Hack made by Diego Mertens. Discover Pokemon Emerald with Pokemon from Generations 1 to 8, 27 starter choices, and an updated battle system.
Pokemon Bismuth GBA ROM Hack
- Author: Diego Mertens
- Hack Off: Emerald
- Language: Spanish
- Latest Version: 2 Gym Demo
- Released on: July 14, 2023
- Last Updated on: July 18, 2024
You play as May or Brendan, traveling through the Hoenn Region to collect all 8 Gym Badges and aim to become the champion.
During your journey, you encounter Team Aqua and Team Magma, who have plans to expand the sea and land. However, they seem a bit less extreme this time. While fighting them, you sense that another group, known as the Delta Division, is also trying to stop them.
Who are the Delta Division, this mysterious team that has reappeared after being disbanded? What are their new goals and who leads them now? And, is it better for the Delta Division to succeed rather than Team Aqua or Team Magma?
- Pokemon Variety: Includes Pokemon from generations 1 to 8, and also some new evolutions from generation 9.
- Starter Choices: All starter Pokemon from generations 1 to 8, plus three special pseudo legendary starters.
- Updated Battle Mechanics: Modernized battle system for a better experience.
- Quality of Life Improvements: No required HMs, move relearner and nicknaming available anywhere, infinite TMs, and a dual purpose bike.
- Encounters: Different Pokemon appear during the day and night, though no visual changes yet.
- Double Battles: Dark grass areas for double battles.
- New Areas: Discover new places to explore.
- Shiny Pokemon: You can see if a gift Pokemon is shiny before choosing it, including starters.
- DexNav: A tool to help you find and catch Pokemon.
- Safari Mini game: Catch Pokemon in the overworld using the DexNav with a new early game mini game.
- Customization: Change difficulty, shiny odds, speed of experience gain, and more.
- Gym Battles: Unique gym battles with special effects and restrictions.
- Berry Growing: Easier with new types of mulch that you can buy at the flower shop.
- Languages: Play in Spanish or English (early game translation to English in progress).
- Mystery Code System: Use codes to get special items and Pokemon.
- Custom Shinies and Sprites: Some Pokemon have new shiny forms and updated sprites.
- Buffed Pokemon: Improved abilities, typings, stats, and moves for some underwhelming Pokemon.
- Enhanced Pokedex: Check the Pokédex for information on all the buffs and changes.
Change Log
Demo 0.2
- This patch solves many errors I found while testing, and adds some more content!
- Solved collision errors in Route 101, Route 102 and Dewford Town.
- Fixed an issue that would cause text to display in the wrong language.
- Fixed an issue where the wrong Mulch would be displayed when planting a berry, and one when you checked a non-Mulch-ed Berry.
- Miscellanous translation fixes.
- Discover how your actions influence the outcomes of some events!
- Translated and fixes almost all texts in the DEMO.
Known Issues
- Some texts are still in Spanish. Namely, random NPCs, some Menus and a single plot-related event.
- Using a Ditto and losing the battle while it’s transformed will sometimes cause it to mantain the moves of the last Pokémon it transformed into.
- The sideways stair in Route 102 will sometimes work funkily.

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