Take a look at this post on Pokemon Fire Red Extended Evolution List to learn how different Pokemon evolve or at what level does they evolve. You might discover your favorite one!
Pokemon Fire Red Extended Information
- Creator: DjTarma
- Base ROM: FireRed
- Language: English
- Latest Version: v3.5.2
- Last Updated on: June 08, 2024
- Status: Completed
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Pokemon Fire Red Extended Information, Features and Download
Pokemon Fire Red Extended Evolution List
1st Gen (+Forms & Babies)
- Bulbasaur (lvl 20)>Ivysaur (lvl 40)>Venusaur
- Chamander (lvl 20)>Chameleon (lvl 40)>Charizard
- Squirtle (lvl 20)>Wartortle (lvl 40)>Blastoise
- Caterpie (lvl 10)>Metapod (lvl 15)>Butterfree
- Weedle (lvl 10)>Kakuna (lvl 15)>Beedrill
- Pidgey (lvl 20)>Pidgeotto (lvl 40)>Pidgeot
- Rattata (lvl 20)>Raticate [Same as Alolan]
- Spearow (lvl 20)>Fearow
- Ekans (lvl 25)>Arbok
- Pichu (lvl 10)>Pikachu (Use Thunderstone)>Raichu Vanilla /(Use Shiny Stone)Raichu Alola
- Sandshrew (lvl 25)>Sandslash [Same as Alolan]
- Nidoran[♀] (lvl 20)>Nidorina (Use Dusk Stone)>Nidoqueen
- Nidoran[♂] (lvl 20)>Nidorino (Use Dusk Stone)>Nidoking
- Cleffa (lvl 10)>Clefairy (Use Moon Stone)>Clefable
- Vulpix (Use Fire Stone)>Ninetales / Vulpix alola (Use Ice Stone)>Ninetales alola
- Igglybuff (lvl 10)>Jigglypuff (Use Moon Stone)>Wigglytuff
- Zubat (lvl 25)>Golbat (Use Dusk Stone)>Crobat
- Oddish (lvl 20)>Gloom (Use Sun Stone)>Bellossom / (Use Leaf Stone)Vileplume
- Paras (lvl 25)>Parasect
- Venonat (lvl 30)>Venomoth
- Diglett (lvl 30)>Dugtrio [Same as Alolan]
- Meowth (lvl 30)>Persian [Same as Alolan] / Meowth[Galarian] (lvl 30)>Perrserker
- Psyduck (lvl 35)>Golduck
- Mankey (lvl 30)>Primeape
- Growlithe (Use Fire Stone)>Arcanine [Same as Hisuian]
- Poliwag (lvl 20)>Poliwhril (Use Shiny Stone)>Politoed / (Use Water Stone)>Poliwrath
- Abra (lvl 20)>Kadabra (Link Cable)>Alakazam
- Machop (lvl 25)> Machoke (Link Cable)> Machamp
- Bellsprout (lvl 20)>Weepinbell (Leaf Stone)>Victreebel
- Tentacool (lvl 30)>Tentacruel
- Geodude (lvl 25)>Graveler (Link Cable)>Golem [Same as Alolan]
- Ponyta (lvl 40)>Rapidash [Same as Galarian]
- Slowpoke (lvl 35)>Slowbro[Same as Galar / (Shiny Stone)>Slowking ~ Slowpoke[Galar] (Dusk Stone)>Slowking[Galar]
- Magnemite (lvl 30)>Magneton (Electirizer)>Magnezone
- Farfetch’d [Galar] (lvl 40)>Sirfetch’d
- Doduo (lvl 30)>Dodrio
- Seel (lvl 35)>Dewgong
- Grimer (lvl 40)>Muk [Same as alolan]
- Shellder (Water Stone or Ice Stone)>Cloyster
- Gastly (lvl 25)>Haunter (Use Link Cable or Dusk Stone)>Gengar
- Onix (Use Link Cable or Metal Sphere)>Steelix
- Drowzee (lvl 30)>Hypno
- Krabby (lvl 30)>Kingler
- Voltorb (lvl 30)>Electrode [Same as Hisuian]
- Exeggcute (Use Leaf Stone)>Exeggutor[Vanilla] / (Use Sun Stone)>Exeggutor[Alolan]
- Cubone (lvl 35)>Marowak[Vanilla] – (Use Dusk Stone)>Marowak[Alolan]
- Tyrogue (Level 25 if Atk > Def)>Hitmonlee / (Level 25 if Atk < Def)>Hitmonchan / (Level 25 if Atk = Def)>Hitmontop
- Lickitung (Learn Rollout or Full Happiness)>Lickilicky
- Koffing (lvl 35)>Weezing / (Use Light Stone or Link Cable)>Weezing[Galarian]
- Rhyhorn (lvl 40)>Rhydon (Use Protector)>Rhyperior
- Happiny (Use Oval Stone or reach level 25)>Chansey (Use Shiny Stone)>Blissey
- Tangela (Learn Ancient Power)>Tangrowth
- Horsea (lvl 25)> Seadra(Use Link Cable)>Kingdra
- Goldeen (lvl 30)>Seaking
- Staryu (Use Water Stone/Shiny Stone)>Starmie
- Mime Jr. (Learn Mimic or reach level 30)>Mr. Mime [Vanilla] /Use Ice Stone>Mr. Mime [Galar] (lvl 40)>Mr. Rime
- Scyther (Use Metal Sphere)>Scizor /(Use Light Stone)>Kleavor
- Smoochum (lvl 20)>Jynx
- Elekid (lvl 20)>Electabuzz (Use Electirizer)>Electivire
- Magby (lvl 20)> Magmar (Use Magmarizer)>Magmortar
- Magikarp (lvl 20)> Gyarados
- Eevee (Use Fire Stone)>Flareon/(Use ThunderStone)>Jolteon/(Use Water Stone)>Vaporeon/(Use Moon Stone)>Umbreon/(Use Shiny Stone)>Espeon/
- (Use Leaf Stone)>Leafeon/(Ice Stone)>Glaceon/(Dawn Stone)>Sylveon
- Porygon (Use Link Cable)>Porygon2 (Use Dubious Disc)>Porygon-Z
- Omanyte (lvl 40)>Omastar
- Kabuto (lvl 40)>Kabutops
- Munchlax (Learn Rest or Rollout or Full Happiness)>Snorlax
- Dratini (lvl 30)>Dragonair (lvl 50)>Dragonite
2nd Gen
- Chikorita (lvl 20)>Bayleef (lvl 40)>Meganium
- Cyndaquil (lvl 20)>Quilava (lvl 40)>Typhlosion/(Use Dusk Stone)>Typhlosion
- Totodile (lvl 20)> Croconaw (lvl 40)>Feraligatr
- Sentret (lvl 20)>Furret
- Hoothoot (lvl 20)>Noctowl
- Ledyba (lvl 15)>Ledian
- Spinarak (lvl 25)>Ariados
- Chinchou (lvl 35)> Lanturn
- Topegi (lvl 20)>Togetic (Use Shiny Stone)>Togekiss
- Natu (lvl 25)>Xatu
- Mareep (lvl 20)> Flaaffy (lvl 40)>Ampharos
- Azurill (lvl 10)>Marill (lvl 40)>Azumarill
- Bonsly (learn Mimic or Full Hapiness)> Sudowoodo
- Hoppip (lvl 20)>Skiploom (lvl 40)>Jumpluff
- Aipom (Learn Double Hit)>Ambipom
- Sunkern (Use Sun Stone)>Sunflora
- Yanma (Learn AncientPower or Full Hapiness)>Yanmega
- Wooper (lvl 25)>Quagsire
- Murkrow (Use Dusk Stone)>Honchkrow
- Misdreavus (Use Dusk Stone)>Mismagius
- Wynaut (lvl 15)>Wobbuffet
- Pineco (lvl 30)>Forretress
- Gligar (Dusk Stone)>Gliscor
- Snubbull (lvl 25)>Granbull
- Qwilfish[Hisuian] (lvl 40)>Overqwil
- Sneasel (Dusk Stone)>Weavile / Sneasel[Hisuian] (Use Dusk Stone)>Sneasler
- Teddiursa (lvl 30)>Ursaring (Use Moon Stone)>Ursaluna
- Slugma (lvl 40)>Magcargo
- Swinub (lvl 30)>Piloswine (Learn Ancient Power or Use Ice Stone[Item])>Mamoswine
- Corsola[Galar] (lvl 40)>Cursola
- Remoraid (lvl 25)>Octillery
- Mantyke (lvl up with Remoraid on party)>Mantine
- Houndour (lvl 30)> Houndoom
- Phanpy (lvl 25)>Donphan
- Stantler (Shiny Stone)>Wyrdeer
- Larvitar (lvl 30)>Pupitar (lvl 50)>Tyranitar
3rd Gen
- Treecko (lvl 20)>Grovyle (lvl 40)>Sceptile
- Torchic (lvl 20)>Combusken (lvl 40)>Blaziken
- Mudkip (lvl 20)>Marshtomp (lvl 40)>Swampert
- Poochyena (lvl 20)>Mightyena
- Zigzagoon (lvl 20)>Linoone / Linoone[Galar] (lvl 40)>Obstagoon
- Wurmple (High Personality lvl 10)>Silcoon (lvl 15)>Beautifly
- Wurmple (Low Personality lvl 10)>Cascoon (lvl 15)>Dustox
- Lotad (lvl 20)>Lombre (Use Water Stone or Leaf Stone)>Ludicolo
- Seedot (lvl 20)>Nuzleaf (Use Leaf Stone or Dusk Stone)>Shiftry
- Nincada (lvl 20)>Ninjask [Spawns Shedjinja]
- Taillow (lvl 25)> Swellow
- Shroomish (lvl 25)> Breloom
- Wingull (lvl 25)>Pelipper
- Surskit (lvl 25)>Masquerain
- Wailmer (lvl 40)>Wailord
- Skitty (Use Moon Stone)>Delcatty
- Baltoy (lvl 35)>Claydol
- Nosepass (Learn Magnet Bomb or Zap Cannon)>Probopass (3.4 release using ThunderStone, it will evolve to Probopass).
- Barboach (lvl 30)>Whiscash
- Corphish (lvl 30)>Crawdaunt
- Feebas (lvl 20)>Milotic
- Carvanha (lvl 30)>Sharpedo
- Trapinch (lvl 30)>Vibrava (lvl 50)>Flygon
- Makuhita (lvl 25)>Hariyama
- Electrike (lvl 25)>Manectric
- Numel (lvl 35)>Camerupt
- Spheal (lvl 30)>Sealeo (lvl 50)>Walrein
- Cacnea (lvl 30)>Cacturne
- Snorunt (lvl 40)>Glalie / (Use Dawn Stone on Female)>Froslass
- Spoink (lvl 30)>Grumping
- Meditite (lvl 40)>Medicham
- Swablu (lvl 35)>Altaria
- Duskull (lvl 30)>Dusclops (Use Reaper Cloth)>Dusknoir
- Budew (lvl 15)>Roselia (Use Shiny Stone)>Roserade
- Slakoth (lvl 20)>Vigoroth (lvl 40)>Slaking
- Gulpin (lvl 30)>Swalot
- Whismur (lvl 20)>Loudred (lvl 40)>Exploud
- Clamperl (Use Thunder Stone)>Huntail / (Use Water Stone)>Gorebyss
- Shuppet (lvl 35)>Banette
- Aron (lvl 25)>Lairon (lvl 50)>Aggron
- Lileep (lvl 40)>Cradily
- Anorith (lvl 40)>Armaldo
- Ralts (lvl 20)>Kirlia (Use Dawn Stone in a male)>Gallade/(Use Shiny Stone in a female)>Gardevoir [+ In 3.4 release, Kirlia male or female will evolve to Gardevoir lvl40].
- Bagon (lvl 30)>Shelgon (lvl 50)>Salamence
- Beldum (lvl 20)>Metang (lvl 40)>Metagross
- Chingling (lvl 15)>Chimecho
4th Gen
- Turtwig (lvl 20)>Grotle (lvl 40)>Torterra
- Chimchar (lvl 20)>Monferno (lvl 40)>Infernape
- Piplup (lvl 20)>Prinplup (lvl 40)>Empoleon
- Starly (lvl 20)>Staravia (lvl 40)>Staraptor
- Bidoof (lvl 20)>Bibarel
- Kricketot (lvl 20)>Kricketune
- Shinx (lvl 20)>Luxio (lvl 40)>Luxray
- Cranidos (lvl 40)>Rampardos
- Shieldon (lvl 40)>Bastiodon
- Burmy (lvl 20 if male)>Mothin / (lvl 20 if female)>Wormadam [Works on all three forms]
- Combee (lvl 25 if female)>Vespiqueen
- Buizel (lvl 30)>Floatzel
- Cherubi (lvl 25)>Cherrim
- Shellos (lvl 30)>Gastrodon [works on all forms]
- Drifloon (lvl 30)>Drifblim
- Buneary (lvl 30)>Lopunny
- Glameow (lvl 40)>Purugly
- Stunky (lvl 35)>Skuntank
- Bronzor (lvl 35)>Bronzong
- Gible (lvl 25)>Gabite (lvl 50)>Garchomp
- Riolu (lvl 30)>Lucario
- Hippopotas (lvl 35)>Hippowdon
- Skorupi (lvl 40)>Drapion
- Croagunk (lvl 40)>Toxicroak
- Finneon (lvl 30)>Lumineon
- Snover (lvl 40)>Abomasnow
- Rotom (Green House in Saffron)>All forms and reset to vanilla.
5th Gen
- Snivy (lvl 20)>Servine (lvl 40)>Serperior
- Tepig (lvl 20)>Pignite (lvl 40)>Emboar
- Oshawoot (lvl 20)>Dewoot (lvl 40)>Samurott[vanilla] / (Use Dusk Stone)>Samurott[Hisuian]
- Patrat (lvl 20)>Watchog
- Lillipup (lvl 20)>Herdier (lvl 40)>Stoutland
- Purrloin (lvl 20)>Liepard
- Pansage (Use Leaf Stone)>Simisage
- Pansear (Use Fire Stone)>Simisear
- Panpour (Use Water Stone)>Simipour
- Munna (Use Moon Stone)>Musharna
- Pidove (lvl 20)>Tranquill (lvl 40)>Unfezant [male & female forms]
- Blitzle (lvl 30)>Zebstrika
- Roggenrola (lvl 25)>Boldore (Use Link Cable)>Gigalith
- Woobat (lvl 30)>Swoobat
- Drilbur (lvl 30)>Excadrill
- Timburr (lvl 25)>Gurdurr (Link Cable)>Conkeldurr
- Tympole (lvl 20)>Palpitoad (lvl 40)>Seismitoad
- Sewaddle (lvl 20)>Swadloon (Leaf Stone & Sun Stone)>Leavanny
- Venipede (lvl 20)>Whirlipede (lvl 40)>Scolipede
- Cottonee (Shiny Stone & Sun Stone)>Whimsicott
- Petilil (Leaf Stone)>Lilligant / (Sun Stone)> Hisuian Lilligant
- Basculin[Hisuian] (lvl 40 male or female)>Basculegion
- Sandile (lvl 30)>Krokorok (lvl 50)>Krookodile
- Darumaka (Fire Stone)>Darmanitan[Standard mode] / (Dawn Stone)>Darmanitan[Zen Mode] [Same as Galarian]
- Dwebble (lvl 35)>Crustle
- Scraggy (lvl 35)>Scrafty
- Yamask[vanilla] (lvl 35)>Cofagrigus / Yamask[Galarian] (lvl 35)>Runerigus
- Tirtouga (lvl 40)>Carracosta
- Archen (lvl 40)>Archeops
- Trubbish (lvl 35)>Garbodor
- Zorua (lvl 30)>Zoroark
- Minccino (Shiny Stone)>Cinccino
- Gothita (lvl 25)>Gothorita (lvl 40)>Gothielle
- Solosis (lvl 25)>Duosion (lvl 40)>Reuniclus
- Ducklett (lvl 35)>Swanna
- Vanillite (lvl 30)>Vanillish (lvl 50)>Vanilluxe
- Deerling (lvl 35)>Sawsbuck
- Karrablast (level up with Shelmet or Accelgor in party)>Escavalier
- Foongus (lvl 40)>Amoonguss
- Frillish (lvl 40 male and female)>Jellicent [distinct gender forms]
- Joltik (lvl 35)>Galvantula
- Ferroseed (lvl 40)>Ferrothorn
- Klink (lvl 25)>Klang (lvl 40)>Klinklang
- Tynamo (lvl 20)>Eelektrik (Use Thunder Stone)>Eelektross
- Elgyem (lvl 40)>Beheeyem
- Litwick (lvl 25)>Lampent (Use Dusk Stone & Fire Stone)>Chandelure
- Axew (lvl 30)>Fraxure (lvl 50)>Haxorus
- Cubchoo (lvl 30)>Beartic
- Shelmet (level up with Karrablast or Escavalier in Party)>Accelgor
- Mienfoo (lvl 35)> Mienshao
- Golett (lvl 40)>Golurk
- Pawniard (lvl 40)>Bisharp
- Rufflet (lvl 40)>Braviary[vanilla] / (Use Shiny Stone)>Braviary[hisuian]
- Vullaby (lvl 40)>Mandibuzz
- Deino (lvl 30)>Zweilous (lvl 50)>Hydreigon
- Larvesta (lvl 50)>Volcarona
6th Gen
- Chespin (lvl 20)>Quiladin (lvl 40)>Chesnaught
- Fennekin (lvl 20)>Braixen (lvl 40)>Delphox
- Froakie (lvl 20)>Frogadier (lvl 40)>Greninja
- Bunnelby (lvl 20)>Diggersby
- Fletchling (lvl 20)>Fletchinder (lvl 40)>Talonflame
- Scatterbug (lvl 10)>Spewpa (lvl 15)>Vivillon
- Litleo (Male and female at level 30)>Pyroar [Distinct gender forms]
- Flabébé (lvl 20)>Floette (Use Shiny Stone & Dawn Stone)>Florges
- Skiddo (lvl 35)>Gogoat
- Pancham (lvl 35)>Pangoro
- Espurr (Male and female at level 25)>Meowstic [Distinct gender forms]
- Honedge (lvl 25)> Doublade (Attack stat higher than defense stat at lvl 40)>Aegislash[Attack form] / (Defense stat higher than attack stat at lvl 40)>Aegislash[Defense form]
- Spritzee (Use Sachet)>Aromatisse
- Swirlix (Use Whipped Dream)>Slurpuff
- Inkay (lvl 30)>Malamar
- Binacle (lvl 40)>Barbaracle
- Skrelp (lvl 40)>Dragalge
- Clauncher (lvl 40)>Clawitzer
- Helioptile (Sun Stone)>Heliolisk
- Tyrunt (lvl 40)>Tyrantrum
- Amaura (lvl 40)>Aurorus
- Goomy (lvl 30)>Sliggoo[vanilla] (lvl 50)>Goodra / (Use Moon Stone)>Sliggoo[Hisuian] (lvl 50)>Goodra[Hisuian]
- Phantump (Use Link Cable)>Trevenant
- Pumpkaboo (Use Link Cable)>Gourgeist
- Bergmite (lvl 40)>Avalugg / (Use Ice Stone)>Avalugg[Hisuian]
- Noibat (lvl 40)>Noivern
- Zygarde 10% (Use Link Cable)>Zygarde 50% (Use Dubious Disc)>Zygarde100%
7th Gen
- Rowlet (lvl 20)>Dartrix (lvl 40)>Deucidueye[vanilla] / (Use Dawn Stone)>Deucidueye[Hisuian]
- Litten (lvl 20)>Torracat (lvl 40)>Incineroar
- Popplio (lvl 20)>Brionne (lvl 40)>Primarina
- Pikipek (lvl 20)>Trumbeak (lvl 40)>Toucannon
- Yungoos (lvl 20)>Gumshoos
- Grubbin (lvl 20)>Charjabug (Use ThunderStone)>Vikavolt
- Crabrawler (lvl 30)>Crabmnable
- Cutiefly (lvl 25)>Ribombee
- Rockruff (Use Sun Stone)>Lycanroc[Day Form]/(Use Moon Stone)>Lycanroc[Night Form]/(Use Dusk Stone)>Lycanroc[Dusk Form]
- Wishiwashi (Happiness)>Wishiwashi[School form]
- Mareanie (lvl 40)>Toxapex
- Mudbray (lvl 30)>Mudsdale
- Dewpider (lvl 25)>Araquanid
- Formantis (lvl 35)>Lurantis
- Morelull (lvl 25)>Shiinotic
- Salandit (Female, level 35)>Salazzle
- Stufful (lvl 30)>Bewear
- Bounsweet (lvl 20)>Steenee (Learn Stomp)>Tsareena
- Wimpod (lvl 30)>Golisopod
- Sandygast (lvl 35)>Palossand
- Type:Null (Use Dubious Disc)>Silvally
- Jangmo-o (lvl 30)>Hakamo-o (lvl 50)>Kommo-o
- Cosmog (lvl 40)>Cosmoem (Use Sun Stone)>Solgaleo / (Use Moon Stone)>Lunala
- Poipole (Learn Dragon Pulse or Use Dusk Stone on 3.3 release)>Naganadel
- Meltan (Use Link Cable)>Melmetal
8th Gen
- Grookey (lvl 20)>Thwackey (lvl 40)>Rillaboom
- Scorbunny (lvl 20)>Raboot (lvl 40)>Cinderace
- Sobble (lvl 20)>Drizzle (lvl 40)>Inteleon
- Skwovet (lvl 20)>Greedent
- Rookidee (lvl 20)>Corvsquire (lvl 40)>Corvknight
- Blipbug (lvl 10)>Dottler (lvl 15)>Orbeetle
- Nickit (lvl 20)>Thievul
- Gossifleur (lvl 20)>Eldegoss
- Wooloo (lvl 20)>Dubwool
- Chewtle (lvl 25)>Drednaw
- Yamper (lvl 25)>Boltund
- Rolycoly (lvl 25)>Carkol (level 40)>Coalossal
- Applin (Use Sweet Apple)>Appletun / (Use Tart Apple)>Flapple
- Silicobra (lvl 40)>Sandaconda
- Arrokuda (lvl 30)>Barraskewda
- Toxel (high personality lvl 20)>Toxtricity[Amped Form] / (Low personality lvl 20)>Toxtricity[Low key form]
- Sizzlipede (lvl 30)>Centiskorch
- Clobbopus (Learn Taunt or Brutal Swing)>Grapploct
- Sinistea (Use Cracked Pot)>Polteageist
- Hatenna (lvl 25)>Hattrem (lvl 40)>Hatterene
- Impidimp (lvl 25)>Morgrem (lvl 40)>Grimmsnarl
- Milcery (Use Whipped Dream)>Alcremie
- Snom (lvl 30)>Frosmoth
- Morpeko (Happiness to switch forms)
- Cufant (lvl 35)>Copperajah
- Dreepy (lvl 30)>Drakloak (lvl 50)>Dragapult
- Kubfu (Use Dusk Stone)>Single Strike form / (Use Water Stone)>Rapid Strike form
Great! Thanks a lot! For me, this is, not just the best hack, but the best Pokémon GAME I ever played.
Is there an evolution list for the GEN 9 pokémon that were added too?