Pokemon Atlas Emerald ChangeLog, this post contains changelog for all version of Pokemon Atlas Emerald released by the creator CAulin.
Pokemon Atlas Emerald Information
- Creator: CAulin
- Base ROM: Emerald
- Language: English
- Latest Version: v1.0sb
- Last Updated on: November 05, 2024
- Status: Completed
Pokemon Atlas Emerald ChangeLog
Version 1.0sb
- Adjustments in some exclusive version Pokémons locations, fixed bugs, trainers oversights.
- Added NPCs in Battle Frontier to enable the use of Event Items.
Version 1.0sa
- Adjustments in some exclusive version Pokémons locations.
Version 1.0s
- New Overworld Sprites.
- Normal Mode and Hard Mode (Level Cap).
- Changed Espeon and Umbreon Evolution to stones.
Version 1.0rz
- Fixed break sequence Lylicove Team Aqua (Wailmers positions).
- Fishing Rods (Good Rod and Super Rod) have new locations in Kanto and Johto.
- Improved Weather System (Kanto, Johto and Sevii).
Version 1.0ry
- Improved Battle HUD.
- HM Flash on all screen (fixed the crash in Brawly).
- Changes in Johto Safari Zone.
- Added a Johto Victory Road (WIP – Moved the 2 trainers from Seven Island to it).
- Revised musics in some Kanto Routes (FRLG Cycling music on Route 17 and FRLG Surf music on Route 19~21), giving a little more variety.
- Misc fixes.
Version 1.0rw
- New HP Bar HUD (Custom), no corruption this time.
- Added Trainers missing in water in Route 103.
- Updated Pokedex Map.
- Adjusted Mountain and Cave Battle Background.
- Fixed Lavaridge PokéCenter. Improved Pokecenters.
- Reviewed all trainers again.
- Found 10 unused Trainers (will test them first before adding in a script/event).
- Added at least one trainer at each final route (129-134).
- Updated unaltered trainers in S.S. Tidal.
- Adjusted Legendary Birds levels to the correct Level Cap (Lv.40).
- Added color change in type effectiveness moves in battle again (To fix the crash with Hidden Power, was necessary to show Hidden power type).
- Misc fixes.
Version 1.0rv
- Added Chansey in Pokécenters.
- Added Blue Overworld Sprite.
- Reverted HM Flash default setup due crash with Brawly.
Version 1.0ru
- Trainers updated and realocated until Hoenn Pokemon League (Trainers not added in Routes 129-134 yet, reserved to future story battles, quest additions or maybe to be moved on Sevii Islands in next updates).
Version 1.0rt
- Added new battle with Zinnia at Sky Pillar.
- HM Flash now show all the screen.
- Improved Eusine event. Updated majority of Pokemon Overworld sprites, specially legendaries.
- Adjusted battle backrounds.
- More trainers in Kanto and Johto.
- Trainers in Sevii are WIP (Only two in Seven Island for now).
- Fixed texts and other minor errors.
Version 1.0rs
- Trainers updated and reallocated until 4th/5th Gym (Route 118), pending Trainers only in Surf Routes 107-109.
- Changes in some Trainers in Trick House (Special Scott battles finished).
- Major changes in Travel in Sevii Islands, Cianwood City reach to One Island, then every Sevii Island will have a boat to the next, Two Island Expanded a little.
- Added explorable: S.S. Anne (Vermilion City); S.S. Aqua (Olivine City); Seagallop (Sevii Islands) and expanded S.S. Tidal and minor Region travels boats.
- Fixed texts and other minor errors.
Version 1.0rr
- Fixed Hidden Power Move Glitch. Added Tyrogue in Dark Cave. Changes in some Trainers in Trick House (Special Scott battles added). Fixed texts and other minor errors.
Version 1.0rq
- Added NPCs in Sevii Islands overworld. Fixed Pattern Bush encounter rate. Added Heracross in Johto areas (loosely around National Park, National Park, Johto Safari Zone and Ilex Forest)
Version 1.0rp
- Kanto and Johto only accessible after getting Pokenav (this was needed because bugs and sequence breaks related to Match Calls registrations).
Version 1.0ro
- Added Kanto and Johto “Pokémon Leagues”.
- Elite Four and Champions added.
- Rocket Quest added in Sevii Island; GS Ball Event added; Eusine Legendary Dogs Event added.
- Certain places are only accessible after winning the Hoenn League (Pokémon Mansion, Tin Tower, Rocket Hideaway in Lake of Rage, Rocket Warehouse, Bill’s House, Trainer Tower, Indigo Plateau and Amber Plateau).
- Burned Tower accessible after 8th gym.
- Added notable trainers: Giovanni, Ariana, Archer, Kamon, Proton, Cass&Butch, Ethan, Yellow, Lyra, Daisy, Bill, Aya-Kimono Girl
Version 1.0rn
- Added 7th and 8th Gym to Kanto and Johto. Added Petrel in Pokemon Mansion. Gym Leaders levels adjusted. Misc fixes.
Version 1.0rm
- Weather system in Kanto and Johto. Red added in Mt. Silver. NPCs Overworld in Kanto and Johto. Added 6th Gym to Kanto and Johto. Fighting Dojo Training added. Misc fixes.
Version 1.0rj~l
- Added Kanto Traversal Progress Events: Saffron-Guards Tea (Saffron Gates opened); Lavender-Marowak Silph Scope (Necessary for Pokeflute); Power Plant-Generator (needed to use Magnetic Train) Steven Rematch on Battle Frontier after winning in Meteor Falls.
Version 1.0ri
- Item revamp.
Version 1.0rh
- Added Sudowoodo and Snorlax fixed encounters, Regi Dolls and other misc.
Version 1.0rg
- Added 5th Gym to Kanto and Johto.
Version 1.0re~f
- Modified a lot of maps, Steven gives Exp. Share and Mr. Stone a Lucky Egg.
Version 1.0rc~d
- Misc fixes.
Version 1.0ra~b
- Added 4th Gym to Kanto and Johto, new overworld item system and other fixes.
Version v1.0r
- Added Event Key Items and Legendary Encounters.
Version 1.0~1.0q
- Test Version