Pokemon Crystal Legacy is a Completed GBC Rom Hack made by TheSmithPlays. This mod updates the game with better Gym Leaders, balanced difficulty, expanded Pokemon choices, and more features.
Pokemon Crystal Legacy Completed GBC ROM Hack
- Author: TheSmithPlays
- Hack Off: Crystal
- Language: English
- Latest Version: v1.3.1
- Updated on: August 30, 2024
- Status: Completed
Pokemon Crystal Legacy is a fan-made update that aims to fix some of the less polished parts of Pokemon Crystal from Generation 2. It keeps the original vibe and gameplay that made the game special but tweaks it based on the original design ideas. Instead of applying new Pokemon design trends, it makes improvements while staying true to the classic experience. The goal is to enhance the game without losing its authentic Gen 2 charm.
- Gym Leader Level Scaling: The levels and teams of gym leaders like Chuck, Pryce, and Jasmine now adjust based on how many badges you’ve earned. If you have 5, 6, or 7 badges, their teams will match your progress.
- Optimized Gym Leader Teams: Gym leaders have more diverse teams with better representation from Generation 2. For example, Bugsy still has Scyther but replaces Metapod and Kakuna with Pineco and Ledian. They also use held items and have more varied moves.
- Improved Level Curve: The game’s difficulty now increases more smoothly. Instead of gym leaders becoming way too tough later on, the level progression is more balanced. Trainers will provide more experience points, making it a bit challenging if you don’t do any extra grinding.
- Expanded Pokemon Availability: Gen 2 Pokemon that were previously only available in Kanto are now found in Johto. Route encounters are more varied, and evolution mechanics have been adjusted—like Gen 1 trade Pokemon evolving by leveling up and Gen 2 trade items working like evolution stones. Fossils and the GS Ball are now in the Ruins of Alph, and all legendaries are catchable.
- Gameplay Balancing: Dark-type Pokemon are now Physical, and Ghost-type Pokemon are Special. There are major improvements to Pokemon movepools, especially for Bug and Fighting types. Some underperforming Pokemon, like Misdreavus, have had their stats buffed.
- Item Improvements: The Flower Shop now sells Berries, and the Cianwood pharmacy stocks Stones and Ethers. After the radio tower event, the Mahogany mart offers Upgrade and Metal Coat. Mahogany, Blackthorn, and Celadon also sell TMs, but X Items are no longer available for purchase.
- Storyline Enhancements: Silver’s character arc has been slightly adjusted, and a new character helps Lance find the Rocket Hideout. Team Rocket now has Executives named Archer and Ariana, and a Rocket grunt has a small character arc. There’s also an explanation for the missing Kanto legendaries.
- Quality of Life Updates: The game features unique Pokemon sprites, running shoes, a bigger bag, an early EXP Share, and the ability to delete HMs anytime. TMs now show the move name, and you can access a PC at Elm’s Lab and House after Tohjo Falls. There’s also a gameplay icon for weather, bug fixes, and many other improvements.
- Gym Leader Rematches: After becoming the Johto Champion, you can rematch the Johto Gym Leaders.
- Separate Kanto League: Kanto now has its own league with gym leaders having competitively set teams of six. After beating them, you’ll need to rematch the Elite Four to become the Kanto Champion before facing Red. This is intended as a challenging post-game feature.
- Battle the Creators: You can fight the creator (Smith), production manager (Craig), and video editor (Weebra) in the Trainer House.
What Stays the Same
- No Physical/Special split
- All Pokemon keep their typing
- No new Pokemon added
- No new trainers added
- Badge boost remains
- Trainer AI is untouched
- TMs are single use (all TMs eventually become available for purchase)
- Most original wild encounters remain where they were, outside of some overly redundant ones
- All storyline outcomes are the same, although some get to their conclusion slightly differently
Major Quality Of Life Changes
- Ghost type is now Special, & Dark type is now Physical.
- Faster Nurse Joy Healing.
- Running Shoes (Press B). Works while Surfing.
- Berry Shop in Goldenrod.
- Ruins of Alph Rework to now give the player Fossils Celebi Event.
- Cianwood, Mahogany, & Blackthorn Marts.
- Hm’s now Deletable.
- Goldenrod Move Tutor now available after 7th gym, is A daily event, and now costs 1000 Coins instead.
- Pokemon Sprites in game.
- T.M. Names now Visible.
- Two new difficulties! Hard Mode disallows non-held items in battle & forces Set mode, while in Hardcore Mode your Pokemon also cannot be revived.
- HMs now more commonly Learned.
- Repel Re-use Prompt.
- New Menu Sprites.
- Weather Icons in battle.
- Trainer’s Smith, Craig, and Weebra want to battle! Go find them!
- Fight playtesters at the Battle Tower! With new upgraded rewards as well! Can you get them all?
Change Log
Version 1.3.1 (August 30, 2024)
- Fixed a bug where daycare pokemon would come out fainted on hardcore
- Fixed a bug which lets you go below the bottom entry in the pokedex colour option menu
- Wild Sentrets and Furrets can no longer permanently steal your items with thief
Version 1.3.0 (August 24, 2024)
- Hardcore mode
- Hard mode rules + pokemon can’t be revived after fainting
- Game soft resets when you wipe and sets you back to a last save
- First rival fight no longer losable
- Kanto gym leader rematches
- New E4 rematch teams
- Unique text for Johto gym leader rematches
- New unique battle tower rewards for each floor
- 6 items per floor, 4 decorations and 2 regular items. You get 1 at random after beating the floor.
- Updated battle tower roster
- Various pokedex updates
- Lots of text fixes (Credit Luther7718 for suggestions)
- Kurt finishes pokeballs instantly (GS ball does not finish instantly)
- Can no longer give the gs ball to Kurt before obtaining 7 badges, it previously locked you out of making pokeballs until you reach 7 badges
- Fixed trade functionality to/from Gen 1 (including YL) for ghost types (All pokemon should now trade properly)
- Route 30 rattatas now have proper overworld sprites
- Fixed stat exp on end game kanto trainers
- Added stat exp to trainer house teams
- Added frustration and roar tms to the 2nd mahogany mart so they are no longer missable
- Fixed odd egg initial move pp bug
- Fixed a bug with the pokedex missing encounter locations between pages
- Fixed a bug which lets you go below the bottom entry in the pokedex colour option menu
- Fixed a bug where hitmon evolution methods were the wrong way around in the pokedex
- Updated the README files in the zip
- Updated game credits
- Title screen changed to 1.3
- Various learnset changes for parity between mons in the same evolution line
- Various minor TM learnset additions
- Various move parity changes with YL
- Various stat parity changes with YL

Gameplay by the Creator
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