Moemon Star Emerald is a Completed GBA Rom Hack made by Axcellerator. Explore the hoenn region with 800 moemon species instead of normal Pokemon.
Moemon Star Emerald Completed GBA ROM Hack
- Author: Axcellerator
- Hack Off: Emerald
- Language: English
- Latest Version: v1.1c
- Updated on: October 10, 2024
- Status: Completed
Moemon Star Emerald is a Moemon ROM Hack of Pokemon Emerald with several
additions to reimagine the game and deliver a fresh experience, you will
find several new challenges in a graphically revamped Hoenn Region.
This game provides extra challenge with difficulty options and a
general increase in the difficulty of your journey. Prepare to meet
over 800 Moemon species and find new secrets within the region to
get a fresh Hoenn experience and enjoy discovering new secrets across
your journey.
- All featured Pokemon have been replaced with their Moemon counterparts!
- Over 800 Moemon species from all generations, including some from Generation 8 and 9.
- Physical/Special/Status move split.
- Many battle mechanics up to Generation 7, with some Generation 8 and 9 moves.
- Mega Evolution available.
- No need for trading to evolve your Moemon.
- Added several newer cross evolutions, check our Changed Evolutions document for more information.
- Every Trainer has been updated to use different teams and moves from the base game.
- Increased difficulty.
- Optional Level Caps added.
- New rivals in your journey.
- New locations to visit.
- New Battle Backgrounds and Overworld Graphics.
- Reusable TMs.
- HM items (No more need for HM Slaves).
- Use Apricorn to craft Poké Balls.
- New Poke Balls.
- Hidden Grottos.
- New Move Tutors.
- Egg Moves Tutor in Lilycove City.
- Move Relearner now asks for $1,000.
- EV Training QoL.
- New Ticket Reward system.
- Password System for Events and Special Gifts.
- Most evolution items are sold in Lilycove City.
- Vitamins are uncapped.
- Movesets updated updated to more modern mixed movesets, some less used Moemon even got new moves to have a chance to shine!
- A couple of Moemon have received new typings, check below
- Bayleef > Grass/Fairy.
- Meganium > Grass/Fairy.
- Feraligatr > Water/Dark
- Goodra > Dragon/Poison.
- Fixes the collision issue in a certain area related to the latest event
Note: The Changelog is too long so we have created a separate page for it which you can access with the help of below button:
Known Bugs v1.1c
- NEVER RESET when while doing Battle Tents or the Battle Frontier.
- Backup your save before using the Battle Frontier’s facilities or the Battle Tents, some of them can randomly wipe out your PokéDex’s data AND corrupt your bag.
- The time-based events follow your device’s (Your PC/Phone/etc) clock rather than your room’s clock.
- Due to how EV gain works in gen 3, your mon will be unable to recieve EVs from EV training once it reaches level 100. The Vitamins still work for this, and they are uncapped.
- The Search function by Name in the Pokedex is currently broken.
- The Pokedex Order function has all of its listings incorrectly sorted.
- Toxic Spikes won’t get cleared by Poison and Steel-types.
- Black Sludge isn’t currently healing Poison-types so it can’t be obtained.
- Sometimes when learning a move, it will show with the wrong category (Often Physical)
- Breeding single-stage mons with Megas may crash the game.
- The sound may get stuck after wild double battles.
- Sometimes when getting an item, leftovers of it’s sprite may get stuck in the map.
- Megas can be reverted if you bring out another mon, use it to heal the Mega and that mon dies.
- If you have a Moémon with Static on front of your team while Surfing, you can get a corrupted encounter.

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